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Digitial Marketing Training to Elevate Your Skills Today And Help Your Business Grow

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Digital Marketing Training to Elevate Your Skills Today And Help Your Business Grow

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These days, it’s critical for people — especially business owners — to learn about Digital Marketing Skills to help businesses grow and spread the word about their brands.

Fortunately, we at Syntactics, Inc. have an array of seasoned, trusted Online Marketing specialists ready to share their knowledge with you! So, whether you’re a newcomer to Online Marketing or a marketer intending to refresh your knowledge, you can learn from our Digital Marketing Training Sessions.

Choose Your Package and Contact Us about Pricing!

(You can select a training package depending on the number of interested people from your agency/company. This training is meant for groups and not individuals, with an emphasis on businesses and government agencies.)

Options Number of Participants
A 5 – 10 Participants
B 11 – 15 Participants
C 16 – 25 Participants

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Here are the training programs we offer, which will be hosted by experts from our marketing team:

SEO Training: Learn How to Get Organic Traffic From Search

Topics Include:

  • Keyword Research – using Long-Tail Keywords, checking Monthly Search Volume and Keyword Difficulty
  • On-page Optimization (meta tags, keywords in the content body, CTAs, and other elements)
  • Searching for Questions on Google Ask and creating content answering those questions
  • Building Backlinks (how to find resources, how to write blogs)
  • Creating Blogs and Internal Linking pages
  • Auditing and checking analytics on a monthly basis

About this Training:

Businesses with content online need Search Engine Optimization or SEO. SEO can help your webpages reach interested people in real-time, regardless of your company’s size. SEO means modifying parts of your website to make it more accessible to search engines. Then, search engines make you more accessible to searchers on the ‘Net.

SEO Training: Learn How to Get Organic Traffic From Search can teach you how to get your content in front of interested searchers. The training session’s primary aim is to help you learn to create engaging, long-form content optimized with long-tailed keywords. But, there’s more to SEO than just creating excellent website copy. As a result of your combined modifications, you’ll be able to draw in qualified traffic that’s ripe for conversions.


Jalou FB Ad Trainor

Ms. Jalou Batilong

  • A graduate of STI College in Cagayan De Oro City and with a degree in Information Technology
  • A member of the Online Marketing Team since 2013 and is now currently working as Syntactics’ Online Marketing Team Account Executive
  • Has Expertise in Search Engine Optimization in the field of digital marketing
  • Has spoken and shared her skills in SEO and other digital marketing strategies in a variety of talks and conferences in the city such as for GoNegosyo and the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI)  

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Boost Audience Engagement and Conversions with Social Media Advertising

Topics Include:

  • What is Social Media Advertising?
  • Types of Social Media Ads
  • Popular Social Media Networks
    • Facebook
    • Instagram
    • Twitter (overview only)
    • LinkedIn (overview only)
    • TikTok (overview only)
    • Snapchat (overview only)
  • Tips to optimize your Social Media Ads
  • Understanding your target audience
  • Utilizing organic posts
  • Creating Mobile-friendly Ads
  • Tracking ad progress
  • (For Facebook Ads & IG Ads) Planning, executing, and optimizing your Social Media Advertising with Sprinklr Social Advertising.
  • Useful Tools for Social Media Advertising
  • Hands-on Activities And Workshops

About this Training:

Social Media Advertising is a cost-effective Online Marketing strategy that uses Social Networks. They allow Marketing Campaigns to tap into a wider variety of audiences. Through targeting, Digital Marketers can learn about the personalities of their desired audience demographics. Then, Social Media Advertisers can deliver personalized ads to particular segments.

The Social Media Advertising training will teach you how to increase your audience interactions and conversions via Social Media. Here, you’ll learn about popular Social Media Platforms and how to optimize your accounts. 

In addition, you’ll find out what kind of content to post, such as images or videos, to keep your audience’s attention. Lastly, the session can enlighten you on creating Mobile-friendly ads, using organic posts, tracking your analytics, and more.


Maam Jeng

Jennibeth Macadato

Digital Marketing Experience:

  • 12 years in Digital Marketing and 5 years in Ads Management
  • Worked with international companies based in the United States, New Zealand, New Mexico, and Australia
  • Worked with over 10 company and agency teams in SEO and Ads Marketing
  • Hands-on at Paid Search & Paid Social

Trainer Experience:

  • Conducted a paid training in Google Ads for business owners and government employees
  • Conducted a paid training in Facebook Ads for business owners and government employees

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Search Engine Marketing with Google Adwords

Topics Include:

  • What is Search Engine Marketing?
  • How to Do it Right
    • Keywords: The Foundation of Search Engine Marketing
  • Free Keyword Tools for Search Engine Marketing
  • Google Account Structure
    • Actual Setup of Campaigns via Google Ads account
    • Creating Your Google Ads Account
    • Step By Step Campaign Setup
    • Choosing the Right Campaign Goals and Campaign Types
    • Setting up the Targeting, Remarketing, and Audiences of your Google Ads
    • Google Ads Budget and Bidding
  • Useful Tools for Search Engine Marketing
  • Hands-on Activities And Workshops

About this Training:

Search Engine Marketing or SEM is a Paid Search Advertising Strategy that can boost a website’s visibility on Search Engine Results Pages. Also known as Pay-Per-Click or PPC, this Online Marketing method can significantly increase your chances of getting the attention of potential customers. After all, people on the Internet input search queries to get what they want. So, SERPs are the perfect place to show off your ads.

The training, Search Engine Marketing – Google Adwords, can give you insights on efficiently spending your marketing budget. Thus, you’ll learn how to conduct keyword research and use desirable keywords to boost your reach. Additionally, the training will teach you where to display ads and how to bid on a price to pay for every click.


Maam Jeng

Jennibeth Macadato

Digital Marketing Experience:

  • 12 years in Digital Marketing and 5 years in Ads Management
  • Worked with international companies based in the United States, New Zealand, New Mexico, and Australia
  • Worked with over 10 company and agency teams in SEO and Ads Marketing
  • Hands-on at Paid Search & Paid Social

Trainer Experience:

  • Conducted a paid training in Google Ads for business owners and government employees
  • Conducted a paid training in Facebook Ads for business owners and government employees

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Social Media Marketing & Monitoring

Topics Include:

  • Overview of Social Media Marketing
  • Determining business goals and objectives
  • Content creation 
  • A strategic publishing schedule
  • Social Media Monitoring
  • Social Media Engagement

About this Training:

Success in Social Media Marketing requires thorough planning and constant hard work. But also, you must regularly monitor your progress to see how your efforts are coming along. 

There are tools for monitoring your Social Media Accounts, which can show how audiences receive your business. Building an excellent brand reputation on Social Media means you must be proactive in answering your audience, especially if they’re coming to you with complaints or negative comments. 

Thus, if you’re in charge of Public Relations, you might find the Social Media Marketing & Monitoring training beneficial. Firstly, you can discover insights about your brand, which can turn into potential opportunities. Next, the training teaches you to create content and set up a posting schedule. Additionally, you’ll learn how to monitor and engage with your audience to increase conversions.


Maam Gen

Maria Geniefer Menil

Digital Marketing Experience:

  • 11 years in Digital Marketing
  • Worked with different business industries for local and foreign clients
  • Worked with several companies and agency teams in Social Media Marketing, Email Marketing, and SEO

Trainer Experience:

  • Up-skilled DTI Go Negosyo members about Social Media Marketing for business owners.
  • Became a guest speaker for a career talk at a local college.
  • Became a guest speaker for career opportunities for freelancers for an organization.

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Email Marketing: How to do it, Strategies, Tools, & Examples

Topics Include:

  • When to Use Email Marketing
  • Email Marketing Benefits
  • Email Marketing Stats by Industry
  • Create an Email Marketing Strategy
    • Define your audience
    • Establish your goals
    • Build your email list
    • Choose an Email Campaign type
    • Make a schedule
  • How to Build Your Email List
    • Use lead magnets
    • Create an enticing opt-in form
  • How to Send Marketing Emails
    • Choose an Email Marketing Service
    • Use Email Marketing Tips
    • Implement Email Segmentation
    • Personalize your Email Marketing
    • Incorporate Email Marketing Automation
    • Use Email Marketing Templates
  • Email Regulations
    • CAN-SPAM Compliance
    • GDPR Compliance
    • Avoid Spam Filters
  • Email Marketing Analysis
    • A/B test your Marketing Emails
    • Set Email Marketing KPIs
    • Adjust email components to improve results
    • Use an Email Marketing report template

About this Training:

Email is a common means of communication, which means that various demographics use it. Thus, it’s an excellent Digital Marketing avenue for reaching more audience demographics. Email Marketing is a popular strategy to promote your brand and educate potential customers about what it can offer them. You can even use emails to stay in touch with loyal readers! But, there is a chance that recipients will ignore your Marketing Emails.

So if you’re planning on gaining loyal email subscribers, consider the Email Marketing: How to do it, Strategies, Tools, & Examples training. Here, you’ll learn about Digitally Marketing your business with email, including its benefits and strategies. The training will also teach you about Email Marketing Analysis.


Maam Gen

Maria Geniefer Menil

Digital Marketing Experience:

  • 11 years in Digital Marketing
  • Worked with different business industries for local and foreign clients
  • Worked with several companies and agency teams in Social Media Marketing, Email Marketing, and SEO

Trainer Experience:

  • Up-skilled DTI Go Negosyo members about Social Media Marketing for business owners.
  • Became a guest speaker for a career talk at a local college.
  • Became a guest speaker for career opportunities for freelancers for an organization.

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Writing for Brands: Where Do I Start and How To Monetize?

Topics Include:

  • Identifying your brand voice, heart, and identity
  • Building your brand pillars
  • Establishing personality and tone through written content
  • Copywriting vs. Content Writing
  • SEO Content Optimization Tips for brands
  • How to earn via content writing for your brand
  • The basics of Google Adsense for brands/bloggers
  • Keyword Research vs Jackpot Keywords
  • Some tips on Keyword Research to earn via Adsense

About this Training:

Written content is perhaps one of the most critical aspects of Digital Marketing that many business owners don’t give much attention to. You can always come up with amazing ideas to promote a product or service. But if you don’t know how to position and effectively deliver your brand message, those ideas won’t help your brand get ahead of the curve.

Writing for Brands: Where Do I Start and How To Monetize? is a training session that will equip you with the necessary skills to effectively promote your brand through written content.

The training aims to develop your understanding of how brand messages should be conveyed and how to establish your own persona through content writing. In addition, the session will also cover effective content optimization strategies that can help your brand rank on Google search results and more.



Jeraiza Molina

Digital Marketing Experience:

  • 2 years in Digital Marketing as SEO Writer
  • 1 year as Managing Editor of WhatALife! – a blog site based in CDO
  • Worked on both On-page and Off-page SEO Optimization and activities for brands
  • Worked with foreign clients in the fields of Digital Marketing, Fashion, Travel, and others.
  • Worked on Monetizing WhatALife

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Creating Video Content That Converts Using Adobe Premiere

Topics Include:

  • Opening a New Project and Importing Files
  • Creating a New Sequence
  • Adding to the Timeline
  • Basic Tools
  • How to Zoom the Timeline, 
  • Speed Up and Slow Down
  • Transitions and Effects
  • Adding Music and Sound Effects (SFX)
  • Coloring
  • Demo Edit
  • Exporting

About this Training:

People tend to favor visual media when engaging with a brand. For instance, videos allow potential customers to understand a brand’s message. Thus, it’s critical for business owners to know how to create engaging video content. In addition, incorporating videos into your Digital Marketing content can help boost conversions, especially when your videos have clear Calls-To-Action.

You might be interested in the Creating Video Content That Converts Using Adobe Premiere training. The training session will walk you through video creation using the Premiere program. As a result, you can craft high-quality, attractive content that’s optimized for various platforms, particularly Social Networks. 



Joshua Gervacio

Digital Marketing Experience:

  • 3 years in Digital Marketing
  • Worked with both local and international clients as Graphic Designer/Video Editor
  • Worked as a video editor for foreign influencers
  • Worked with several companies to create various video ads for Social Media platforms
  • Works with agencies and clients to create videos as long as 45 minutes.

Trainer Experience:

  • Conducted training sessions for MSME Booster: Digitalization Tools for Business – Maximizing Canva for Business

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