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Intro to Data Privacy 2012 & Administrative Fine Circular Updates

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Intro to Data Privacy 2012 & Administrative Fine Circular Updates
Intro data privacy


Organizations play a crucial role in recording, storing, and safeguarding a wide range of data, including client information, employee details, and all confidential documents.

Businesses and government organizations can’t afford to be complacent.

To protect personal and sensitive information, your institution and its employees must be aware of data privacy laws. Syntactics, Inc. will hold an “Intro to Data Privacy 2012 & Administrative Fine Circular Updates” webinar via Zoom on November 22, 2023!

The webinar will be headed by our esteemed COO and certified Data Protection Officer, Mr. Wilfredo Kaamiño Jr. He’ll discuss the fundamentals of data privacy, how to comply with it, and some updates from the National Privacy Commission.

This webinar also includes a presentation on: “Significance of EDR, XDR, Email Security, and Patch Management in Safeguarding Your Digital Environment” by Mr. Randy Fernandez, a prominent Solutions Specialist at IPSystems, Inc.

Event Details:

What: Intro to Data Privacy 2012 & Administrative Fine Circular Updates
When: November 22, 2023 (2 PM – 4 PM)
Where: Zoom
Registration Fee: PHP 1,499.00
Registration Closing: November  21, 2023 (5 PM)
Mode of Payment: GCash or Bank
Who Can Join: Private Companies, Nonprofit Organizations, Government Agencies


  1. Data Privacy Act 2012
  2. Administrative Fine Circular Updates
  3. The Significance of EDR, XDR, Email Security, and Patch Management

Who is the Event For?

This webinar is open to private companies, nonprofit organizations, and government agencies. In addition, department heads, IT department heads, and employees of their institutions are welcome.


Sir jun

Wilfredo P. Kaamiño Jr
Syntactics, Inc. | Chief Operating Officer and Data Protection Officer

Syntactics, Inc. Chief Operating Officer and Data Protection Officer. Graduate of Information Management from Xavier University.

Sir Randy Fernandez White BG

Randy Fernandez
IPSystems, Inc. | Solutions Specialist

Randy completed his IT degree with a specialty in Network Administration from TekSquad Institute of Information Technology. He is also a Bitdefender Business Technical 2022 Certified champ.

How to Register:

1. Register on our webinar registration form.
2. Receive email about registration confirmation and webinar details.
3. Acquire Zoom link after payment.

Slots are limited, so secure your spot now! Registration will be closed on November 21, 2023, at 5 PM.

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Nov 22, 2023 2:00PM - 4:00 PM
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