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FIVE Bad Comebacks in Web Design Trends

Almost every day something new is introduced to the web design industry. The latest website design strategies and trends, new tools and technologies; all of these can contribute to the final and the overall look of your website.

However, if you have checked and visited some websites recently, you might have seen some designs that are very familiar. Some of these were labelled “bad” for your webpage, but surprisingly some sites used them again. While it is a fact that there are many new web design trends on the Internet today, yet the return of these so-called bad design trends is really frustrating. It seems that website designers have not learned something from the past.

Here are the list of bad and will always be bad website trends that are making a comeback today.

  • Web Design Loading Screens.

    You only have a few seconds to get the attention of your visitors. If your site’s homepage is loading slowly, expect that users will click the back button.

  • Animations.

    Living proof of how the tendency for some website design trends can go overboard. Many designers believe that any form of animation design on websites are distractions for users and it’s really true. Users attested to that by saying “Website animations annoyed us!” Yet, despite all this information, there are still several websites today that again incorporate animations on their site!

If it cannot be avoided, just put animation effects on your page to give a visual story of your site’s content; but use it with caution.

Important Reminder: Do not populate your website with too much animation, your type of audience might not like it.

  • Web design navigation buttons that use images and/or icons.

    Years ago, many web designs used images/icons in their navigation buttons; but there were a number of users who did not like it. They said:  “some icons were not easy to understand.”; for instance, a “necktie” icon; if you are not an Internet-savvy person, you would not know that the necktie represents the “portfolio” of a certain business.

Such navigation elements will make visitors spend time analyzing what the buttons represent; which is not ideally good if you want them to stay longer on your site. Users must identify the navigation buttons easily so they will immediately know where to go and what to do.

Furthermore, using icons for key navigations on your web design only makes sense if the items clearly portray what they represent. If you want your image navigation button to be outstanding, you can put its corresponding text. Many new websites use this to give the user a visual portrayal of what can be found on a website. Users nowadays like to see a website that combines text and image because they find these more exciting, but if image alone? That will not really work.

  • Combination of large and small fonts.

    When fonts with different sizes will be placed on one page, they can look annoying. In order to maintain a visual consistency of your site’s text font size, use only two font sizes. Make sure to use bold fonts or emphasize the text that you want your visitor to know and keep the details on normal size, but still possess the “readability” formula.

  • Annoying pop ups.

    It is not good for your site to have pop ups that are not relevant to your page. It will annoy your visitor and he might leave your site as soon as he or she closes the pop up ads/window.

If you are using any of these web design trends, please stop. You can always use the latest web design trends today, why settle for less? Do not blow your chance to convert visitors to sales just because you are using annoying web designs.

Increase your SALES conversion rates and NOT your bounce rates! To be sure of this, you can try hiring dedicated developers in the Philippines as well as Filipino web designers to give you a website design following the right trends.

Are you using these bad web design trends again? What can you say about them?

Jalou Batilong


Most every great writer is a voracious reader, and no word describes Jalou better. Jalou enjoys a good read whenever she has the time to sit down and open a book or browse for interesting articles. It's through reading that she is able to digest information so easily, and write her own unique piece of information to share to everyone else.

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