Learning The Concept of Virality: Four Tips That Can Help You Go Viral
Outsourcing in the Philippines, specifically IT services such as website development and online marketing strategies and their virality have become a growing need for both national and international businesses. This is probably because of the way the world is growing more technologically advanced almost every day.
These days almost every business has its own website. I even know some businesses that are solely web-based without any form of a brick and mortar store. It seems like an easier alternative since you will not be paying any form of rent. However, it is actually not that easy to compete in the online world.
The Concept of Virality
The successful websites and campaigns are often the ones that have grasped the concept of “Virality”. What is Virality? Well, it is simply a term for websites or online content that has gone viral or in other words “internet famous”.
You are probably thinking “Oh, I want that!” because obviously being “internet famous” must mean good business. Now the question is, how DO you go viral? Here are a few tips that might help:
Constantly update yourself with trends and current events.
The news might sound boring on the TV, but they are often hot topics on the internet. Try to relate your content with current events and ALWAYS be aware of online trends such as changes in search engine algorithms. The key to putting this tip to good use is utilizing social media sites like Twitter and Facebook.
ANYTHING can go viral.
Your whole website can go viral, your images can go viral, your content can go viral, so on and so forth. Do not just focus on the virality of one thing because you might just be wasting the potential of another element of your marketing strategy from going viral. There are different degrees of going viral, so try exploring everything!
Use videos and images.
People these days want something that is more visual. Thus, making images and videos is an ideal way to catch the attention of many individuals. They are also a great way to get your message across more directly. People may be more interested in your website or content if you add good-looking images and informative and entertaining videos. Videos are also more susceptible to being shared on social media sites, so put them to good use!
Keywords and tags are important.
This means you should pay attention to them! These are the words people type into search engines when they are looking for something, so make sure you are using them well in your content! Try using your keywords on tags or hashtags as well since they also help websites go up in search engine ranks.
Try using these as well as other tips to achieve virality. Maybe the next time you go online, you might see your brand being talked about all over the internet!
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