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Web Development Company Web Maintenance Works

Web Development Company for Web Maintenance Tasks

Businesses establish their online presence to attract prospective clients and maintain communication with existing customers. As a result, you create websites so your audience can learn about your company, find your contact information, and purchase your products and services. However, there will come a time when your website will not work correctly or become outdated.And when that time comes, you can fix the issues and prevent them from reoccurring by getting a web development company to performs regular website maintenance.

Some of the most common challenges that web developers and programmers will encounter when maintaining a website include the following:

  • Different people will visit your website, so it has to be responsive to different browsers and devices.
  • Your website should be user-friendly and easy enough to access by anyone.
  • Your website will have visitors that are there to steal back-end information.

Website maintenance is vital to ensure that the site can respond accordingly to customer needs and guarantee excellent user-experience. Find the best web developer around to provide a responsive, accessible, and secure website.

website maintenance experts

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What is website maintenance?

Website maintenance is a set of tasks required to warrant that your website functions correctly and is up to date.  When you work with a web development companytheir process may involve regular checking for issues, correcting said issues, and making updates.

Website maintenance is essential for all businesses to present new products and information to the public, attract and retain customers, and maintain or improve search engine rankings. It is also required to keep the website’s value over time.

To accomplish these, web developers and programmers keep a website maintenance plan to serve as a guide when maintaining websites. Why is website maintenance plans crucial for business, you ask? Consider the following reasons.

  1. Your customers do research.

    They say that first impressions last. With access to the internet, customers of this age conduct research first before purchasing a product or service. Hiring a web development company ensures that you have a professional-looking and updated website to keep your customers browsing. Keep a website that matches your brand’s image and does not give off a negative impression. Otherwise, you risk them bouncing off to a competitor’s site, and you lose out on a possible sale.

  2. Your website values user experience.

    Place yourself in your site visitor’s shoes to know the user experience you are providing them through your site. For starters, you want to ensure you find the best web developer around to maintain regular check-ups of your website to ensure that it is customer-centered. Have them regularly check to see if forms work and phone number listings and business addresses are updated. Also, see if your products, services, and price lists are updated.

  3. Your website prevents cyber-attacks.Your customers must feel secure while purchasing on your site. With help from a web development company, you can conduct regular maintenance on your website to ensure that your security systems are up to date and prevent cyber threats from occurring.

    Your website increases sales.

    Because you are engaging in business, your website should increase sales. Keep a site that facilitates purchases without a hitch, and you will never miss out on a potential deal.

  4. Your website is SEO-friendly.

    SEO is a crucial factor in web development. A well-crafted SEO prevents persistent technical issues from happening. Web developers and programmers regularly fix security issues and update their design, structure, and content. You may even avail of web content services to provide you with effective and relevant content for your site. All these contribute to improving your website’s search engine rankings.

How does website maintenance work?

Below are some of the most crucial tasks involved when a web development company conducts website maintenance:

  1. Backups

    Web developers and programmers automatically perform weekly backups of website files and database. Web developers will store your backups off-site or on a cloud backup system. To ensure that your backups are valid, restore from your backup after every six months.

  2. Web Errors

    A web development company and its team will check all error logs and messages to know if significant issues pop up, and then proceed to fix them as soon as they arise.

  3. Software Updates

    Apply available security patches for any software that your website relies upon, such as content management systems, eCommerce carts, etc. Remember to have a full site backup before applying updates and check website and extension functions after.

  4. Broken Links

    Dead or broken links may annoy users and reduce your site’s search engine ranking. Make sure to run a link checker to find dead or broken links on your website and fix them.

  5. Site Speed

    People hate slow pages, so web developers and programmers check your web pages to ensure that they load quickly. Check out these tips on how to speed up your website’s loading time.

  6. Sitemaps

    Sitemap files inform search engines about the structure of your site. So, check if your sitemap is up to date. See if it includes all links to both old and newly-added pages.

  7. WebForms

    Forms are vital in a lead generation, so you regularly check for script errors or changes in destination emails. Also, check the connection to automation apps and email lists.

  8. Analytics and Conversions

    Web developers and programmers must also check your pages’ active tracking scripts, especially on static sites with automated content management. From your analytics report, a team from a web development company may monitor and test your site’s goal and conversion data to verify that critical actions and events are recorded.

  9. Search Engine Optimization

    Check to find structural problems within your site, which may affect how search engines view your site. For instance, see to it that your title tags are formatted correctly and that your website has a responsive design, etc. Additionally, make sure that you read through all content on your site. Fix grammatical errors, check ALT text associated with images to improve optimization, and the like.

  10. Technology and Design

    Web developers and programmers update website scripts to maintain compatibility. Doing so also develops web function, animation, and performance. Also, web design should improve as time progresses to keep up with the competition.

Group of web developers and programmers working on website development and website maintenance

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Web Development in the Philippines

Developing your online marketing strategy in this fast-paced world is no easy challenge for any business. Standing out online is the only way, and you can do that by crafting a well-designed and well-maintained website.

It will be demanding and taxing on your part. With a passionate and focused web development company in the Philippines to guide you along the way, you can create a website with content, information architecture, and visual design that works and guarantees the best user experience!

Adam Tan


Adam is a charming geek who loves his family's Siberian Husky, enjoys the occasional night out with friends and, most of all, lives and breathes new trends and updates about the web and its technicalities. If you want to stay updated with changes or new trends on the web or learn about the technicalities that are involved, he's your guy. He's capable of writing cheesy stuff as well, but he'd rather stick with the manly stuff.

    Find more about me on:
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