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FAQs Businesses Ask Before Hiring a Software Company

FAQs Businesses Ask Before Hiring a Software Company

Custom software solutions are a must for business owners. So, as a responsible business owner, you should make sure that the software development company you choose can address your needs. To help in the process, we have compiled in this article some of the FAQs businesses ask before hiring a software company. Hopefully, these answers will help you find a custom software development company to build your business software.

Questions Businesses Ask Before Hiring A Software Company Four People With A Lot Of Questions

FAQs Businesses Ask About Software Companies

Is software development really expensive?

Yes, software development can become expensive, especially when you require the creation of custom software. The creation of custom software, for instance, will need professional software developers who are equipped with a wide array of technical skills and techniques to create that unique business solution for you. As such, it would be best to learn why custom software is expensive first before you limit your options. Despite the costs, however, our software developers can assure that the system’s processes and requirements are based on your business process. Furthermore, if you encounter bugs and errors while using our developed custom software, you can rely on our maintenance and tech team for support.

Will we be getting tech support, especially for the maintenance of our software?

Definitely, yes! Our plans and services include maintenance and tech support for our clients. Even after building your custom software, if you encounter bugs and other technical issues and concerns, you can let us know. Our team will be working right on it. We have quality assurance (QA) testers who are experts in writing bug reports, which help our software developers quickly locate the problem and resolve it in the soonest time possible. Our tech support can also help upgrade your systems, add new features and functionalities, and the like. We know that the development process continues even after we have implemented your software.

Why outsource software development services instead of having an in-house team?

The answer to this is quite simple and easily understandable. If you outsource a professional software development team, you access people with an outside-looking perspective of your business processes. Often, our opinions get clouded, especially when we are in the middle of a situation. As such, you should outsource a dedicated development team to work for your projects. In this way, you have people who can quickly develop unbiased solutions that target your specific business goals. They cannot get distracted by differing opinions from your internal management. So, your outsourced team can focus on filtering out the actions that need prioritization and those that need removal. Through their help, you can properly set the requirements for your custom software.

Can you ensure the security of our systems and information?

We know the importance of keeping confidential information safe, especially from people with malicious intent. Therefore, we make sure that our software solutions abide by the Republic Act 10173 or the Data Privacy Act of 2012. Remember that information can be destructive for your business when placed in the wrong hands. As such, we focus on creating safe and secure software solutions for our clients. One of our main goals for software security is to prevent breaches, hacking, and similar attacks. As such, we can limit the number of users allowed to use your software. We can also install an automatic system lock, which will ensure that not just anyone can easily access the software. Through safety measures such as these, we can ensure that your information remains safe and secure.

What happens if I decide to make changes to my software requirements during its development?Questions Businesses Ask Before Hiring a Software Company Woman with Laptop and Huge Question Mark

If you decide to add new features or change particular steps during the development process, you have the liberty to do so. We change our minds; it happens. However, it may require additional costs on your end, especially if the software development plan has already been reviewed and finalized. So, to avoid this, it would be best to have everything planned. During the planning stage, our development team will ask if you would prefer to include alternate options for your software’s features, functionalities, processes, and the like, in case you change your mind along the way. With this, you can avoid having to spend more to build your software.

Got Any Other Questions for Us?

We hope that our answers to the FAQs businesses ask before hiring a software company helped you make decisions. In case you have more questions running in your mind, please feel free to let us know! You can send us a quick email. You can also share your thoughts and queries in the comments section below.

Then, if you are finally ready to build that custom software for your business, know that you can always reach out to a software company from the Philippines to make your visions come true!

Xenia Labis


Xenia loves to learn and share what she has learned. She gathers all her learnings through reading books, watching videos and deep conversations. Nevertheless, she believes that the greatest learnings she has gathered are through her experiences.

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