Web Development Mistakes Developers Should Avoid
Picture this: you’re eager to start working on your new website. You have your tools ready. You’ve done your research. Plus, you’ve chosen a web hosting service to partner with—but where exactly do you start? Keep in mind that your basic objective is to develop a website that’s sure to stand out in your industry. Web developers have their own techniques that speed up the entire web development process. However, while each website is unique, there are a few fundamentals that are known to be true for most projects. There’s no one way to create the best website out there. Still, there are a few common web development mistakes you need to stay away from.
Here are a few of them:
Poor Navigation
The way your website functions is a direct result of how it was designed. Therefore, following a poorly-designed layout often results in a disaster. For instance, users would rather click off your complicated website design than try to learn how to navigate it. And when they do it too often, it won’t be looking too good for your SEO rankings. This is why it’s more advisable to develop websites based on tried and tested solid website layouts. At first look, it may seem like following pre-established layouts is a mistake since it takes away from your uniqueness. However, it provides your clients with a sense of familiarity. Consequently, this allows them to worry less about finding what they need and focus more on what you’re offering them.
Dead Links
On the subject of having your clients purchase your products and services, test and double-check all your links. Having too many dead links is one of the most common web development mistakes out there. Prevent your users from clicking on too many dead links and encountering way too many error messages. This easily distracts them from the current tasks at hand and discourages them from proceeding any further.
Source: pixabay.com
However, this doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t have any error message or page set up. That’s also another common web development mistake. Set up your website in a way that you can get clients back on track when they click on a dead link. You can do this by redirecting them to a related page. Similarly, in the cases of blog posts, for example, providing alternative topics to read.
Staying Away From SEO
Gone are the days where Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and website development were completely unrelated. Now, refusing to take into consideration your SEO strategies while creating your website just leaves you at a major disadvantage. On the flipside, enabling your SEO Experts and web developers to collaborate provides you with results that drastically contribute to reaching your short-term and long-term goals. There are a few techniques you can integrate to improve your SEO. For one, use Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS). Moreover, you can create a good and definite structure for your links. It also helps to build the most suitable structures for your Uniform Resource Locator (URL) or web address.
Insufficient Testing Across Desktop and Mobile Browsers
Chances are, you may already have a favorite web browser before you even considered creating your own website. It’s certainly easier to test on only that browser. However, refusing to do on different browsers is another terribly common web development mistake. It’s true, you may end up with a great website on one browser. However, that doesn’t guarantee its quality on the rest of them. Keep in mind that you need to test it for mobile browsers as well.
Moreover, users across the globe have varying preferences. For this reason, it’s highly recommended that you alternate your tests on available browsers during your development. You can also be more efficient and use online tools that copy a browser’s predefined settings. That way, you can preview your website and its pages all in one place.
Source: flickr.com
Other Web Development Mistakes
There are still a few additional web design and development flaws you should avoid. For instance, teams may not be using the right web development method that fits their project best. Plus, while it may be tempting, refrain from including too many features that may significantly slow it down. It’s generally more advisable to stay away from preloaders as they provide a barrier between your clients and your content. And finally, stay up-to-date on the latest web development trends. This means that part of the entire process is staying away from outdated codes, themes, and plugins.
Fortunately, when you have a team of developers from a web development company in the Philippines working on your website, you’re guaranteed that they’ll be actively avoiding the common web development mistakes listed above. Moreover, experienced developers can also improve or build upon a pre-existing website. As a bonus, they can also use your preferred programming languages. What are you waiting for? Get on the road to building your own website today!
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